Theater Performance
HE-ROSE - April 23
Apr 23, 2024 – Apr 23, 2024
HE-ROSE - April 23
From the Bhaghavad Gita to the Iliad, the embrace of Arjuna and Achilles
“Heroes”. Is it merely a word? Or could we investigate the hidden meaning “Heroes” implies and what would it allow us to unearth? An artistic response could be to break the word Heroes as “He-Rose”.
“He” who is an ordinary man “rose” in what we call an extraordinary action, which makes him a HERO. Such a reading will compel us to stretch the space between “He” and “Rose”. We see Heroes as confident, chest thumping warriors who are fearless. But there is an inevitable question of vulnerability, uncertainty, doubt, indecision, and hesitation that are not addressed. When death is your constant other, a shadow that you cannot escape from, how can we see them as fearless?
In most of the cases, war takes place beyond one’s personal conviction. What if we were to explore the questions that come out of vulnerability and weakness, such as the one that Arjuna and Achilles experience at the most crucial point of the war as a Heroic Gesture? Or more plainly, can we look at exposing oneself to be vulnerable as a Heroic act?
In both Arjuna and Achilles’s lives, the role of fate plays a major part, and is also largely connected to the kind of choices they have to make: the choice of leading an epic life or the choice of a more common life, with room for intimacy to happen. These choices come at the most crucial point of their Epic adventures. The project aims to represent the diversity of the “hero” myth and it will do so through a strong cooperation between the partners. Before the rehearsals, regular video-conference meetings will take place between Nimmy Raphael and Laëtitia Guédon, to elaborate and specify not only the stakes and the lines of force of the writing but also of the working process to come.
Upcoming Projects with ENSATT and ADISHAKTI

Enjoy these snapshots from the theater performance by ENSATT and AdiShakti team, showcasing their incredible talent.
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