Alliance Française de Dhaka

Café conversation

Vous souhaitez recommencer apprendre le français après une pause et vous ne savez pas le point de départ ou vous voulez simplement parlez français en prenant un café avec quelqu’un ? Nous vous invitons à cet atelier pour pouvoir parler avec un professeur de français et des autres particiapants.


You want to reinstart learning French after a break & you don’t know from where to start or simply you want to speak french grabbing a coffee in an informal environment; We invite you in this workshop to get a chance to chat with a French Teacher & other attendee.

  • Schedule: every Saturday from 11h00 to 13h00.
  • Number of hours: 08 meetings of 2 hours (08×2) = 16 hours in a session.
  • Eligibility to participate: The workshop is designed for the participants of A2, B1, B2, C1

To enroll to this workshop please send your details (name, contact, last/current French class enrolled with date or Alliance Id) to [email protected]

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Get a glimpse of the workshop!

The French class’s young prodigies showcased their conversational skills in French.

Enjoy some sneak peak into the workshop!

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