Alliance Française de Dhaka

Animation Film

Up Coming

Two films for Whales

Oct 19, 2024 – Oct 22, 2024

Alliance Française de Dhaka, Dhanmondi

Two films for Whales

“Song of Whales” (Short film) and “Song of Jhinuk” (Feature film) are two animation films by Afroza Hossain Sara inspired by the Whale songs. In the exhibition “Two films for Whales”, Afroza and her team presents the thoughts, art and journey of these two films for the audience.


In 2021, the news of the two washed up whale carcasses on Cox’s Bazar shores, triggered a vivid daymare as Afroza describes. She started drawing those visuals. And as the visuals were put together, they formed the short film “Song of Whales”. Then while working on the short film which can be said a portrait of collective grief in the face of climate change and ocean degradation, she imagined a little girl “Jhinuk” who can undo all of the cataclysmic events that happens in the short film. Jhinuk’s story is now called “Song of Jhinuk”.

In the exhibition “Two Films for Whales” we get to know the stories these two films as well as explore the art, research works, findings, and so much more.

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