The online registration system is currently inaccessible, test registration requires walk-in test center (AF Dhaka, Dhanmondi).
Registration Form for DELF/DALF Examinations
MARCH 2024 / MARS 2024
Please fill in the form. Use capital letters and tick where applicable. The information provided in this form will be reflected in the DELF-DALF certificate. All the fields must be completed.
ATTENTION! The fields in blue are not alterable. Any alterations later will incur a fee of BDT 3,000 per certificate.
Registration Requirements
The enrollment procedure and signing of the registration form require the candidate’s personal presence; no one else is permitted to register on the candidate’s behalf. Additionally, the candidate is requested to bring the following documents:
1. AFD ID Card
2. Photocopy of official passport or official Birth Certificate in English (applicable for candidates never enrolled for DELF-DALF and for the first-time enrolment)
3. Photocopy of previous DELF-DALF attestation d’inscription or previous Delf-Dalf examination admit paper or DELF-DALF certificate (applicable for DELF-Prim A1, DELF-A2 / B1 / B2, DALF C1 / C2 candidates)
4. One recent picture; as hard copy (Sized: 35mm x 45mm; Resolution: 600 dpi).
5. One copy of the picture with your AFD ID number must be sent to [email protected] before coming to our registration office.
6. Registration fees will be only accepted in CASH (Please refer to the table of fees located above for further information.)
7. IMPORTANT: The candidate’s enrollment will be deemed complete only upon fulfillment of all the aforementioned requirements and successful completion of payment.
Terms and Conditions/Modalités et conditions d’inscription
► A revised process will be implemented for the March 2024 session.
► The maximum number of candidates accepted for registration has been augmented to 200 per day. Priority for registration will be accorded to AFD students who are enrolled in French classes during the periods of October-December 2023 and January-March 2024. Registration will end once the quota for registration has been attained, and it will be on a first come, first served basis.
► The registration is for the candidates currently residing in Bangladesh only. The candidate must come by himself to complete the enrolment procedure and sign the registration form. No third party / nominated person will be authorized to register the candidate.
► The registration and payment procedure only take place at the AFD Dhanmondi office (Test Centre). The registration form must be fully completed, and only cash payment at the AFD Dhanmondi office will be accepted. The registration will only be considered valid once the payment is completed. No refund will be granted once the registration is completed.
► One week prior to the date examination, the candidate must collect, from AFD Dhanmondi office, his/her Attestation d’inscription and his/her Convocation which must be presented on the day of the tests. Access will be denied without these documents.
The Office hours for submitting the documents:
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
Contact: +88 01678 086 441, +88 01678 086 442; 096 3866 2266
► Being a nationwide and official examination, the examination dates of oral and written tests cannot be changed.
► You must strictly follow the exams schedules and instructions. Failure to do so would cancel your right to take the test.
► You can only bring pen(s) inside the Test Centre. Do not bring any personal effects, mobile phones, handbags/bags, notebook, laptop, tabs, and smart watch.
► All the candidates must strictly follow the COVID-19 safety protocol: compulsory temperature checks at the entrance (if necessary), using hand wash sanitizer, social distancing, and wearing a face mask at all times. You will be requested to leave AFD premises after the written tests. You will have to return back 15 minutes prior to your oral test.
► AFD reserves the right to cancel / postpone the examination if situation demands.