Solo Painting Exhibition
The Acruality if Fiction; 5 July
Jul 05, 2024 – Jul 15, 2024
The Acruality if Fiction; 5 July
The Acruality if Fiction; 12th Solo painting exhibition
The mobility of life, in which I’m located, my entity is beaming with that in many ways. The stress of the psychological degradation that people constantly face is formed by the realm of mind of mine where I want to discover the truth of the root with the visual acuity. And this is the reality of story behind my artwork. it is unveiled through feeling the pressure and mental agony being born in the perception of life every moment.
These feelings create special images in the neurons of my brain and imagery gradually transforms into scenario though several psychological stages.
Like cause > mental reaction > realization > my artwork. Then motifs emerge in response to color technique. This is just a long journey in different way, different complexity and different simplicity.
“গল্পের বাস্তবতা”
শিল্পীর জীবনবোধ, পারিপার্শ্বিকতা, অভিজ্ঞতা অর্থাৎ বাস্তবতার প্রতিফলনই শিল্প। জীবনের যে চলমানতায় আমরা অবস্থান করছি তার মধ্যে আমার সত্তা নানাভাবে মুখরিত হয়ে আছে। প্রতিনিয়ত মানুষের যে মনোস্তাতিক অবক্ষয়ের মুখোমুখি হই তার চাপে গড়ে ওঠে আমার দুঃসহ মনোলোক। এই মনোলোক দৃষ্টির তীক্ষ্ণতা দিয়ে আবিষ্কার করতে চাই, সনাক্ত করতে চাই মূলের সত্যতা; আর এই মূলের নিঘুরতাই আমার “গল্পের বাস্তবতা”। প্রতিমুহূর্তে জীবনবোধের এই চাপ ও তাপ অনুভব করেই আমার শিল্পের উন্মোচন । এইসব বোধ আমার মগজের নিউরনে তৈরি করে বিশেষ বিশেষ চিত্রকল্প। বেশ কয়েকটি মনোদৈহিক পর্যায়ে চিত্রকল্প ক্রমান্বয়ে দৃশ্যকল্পে রূপান্তরিত হয়। যেমন কারণ >মনোপ্রতিক্রিয়া >উপলব্ধি >আমার শিল্পকর্ম।
সাদাশূন্য সারফেসে রঙের উদ্দাম খেলায় মেতে ওঠে আমার মন, রং আর টেকনিকের ক্রিয়া প্রতিক্রিয়ায় মটিফগুলো উঁকি দেয় ধীরে ধীরে তৈরি হতে থাকে গল্পের অনুসঙ্গ। এভাবেই নানান বোধে, নানান মাধ্যমে, নানান আঙ্গিকে, নানান জটিলতায়, নানান সরলতায় আমার শিল্পীর পদযাত্রা..
Uttam Kumar Roy
Uttam Kumar Roy
Uttam Kumar Roy, born in Dinajpur, Bangladesh on July 1, 1975, showed a strong interest in art from a young age. He pursued his passion by completing a 5-year course in Drawing and Painting at the Bulbul Academy of Fine Arts (BAFA) in Dhaka in 2001. Alongside his artistic education, he also obtained a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Botany from Jagannath University, Dhaka in 1998, showcasing his diverse educational background that combines scientific rigor with artistic creativity.
In his teaching career at BAFA, Roy shares his extensive knowledge and experience in visual arts to educate and inspire future artists. His dedication to teaching contributes to the development of aspiring artists.
Roy’s artistic excellence has been acknowledged through numerous awards both nationally and internationally. Some notable accolades include the Best Artist Award at the Green Emerald International Art Contest in 2021, the Top 20 Award at the International Online Art Exhibition and Competition by KFOAS, India in 2021, and the Excellence Award at the International Online Art Exhibition and Competition by KFOAS, India in 2020. He has also received international recognition, such as the International Award SHIMLA Fusion at the International Art Show in India in 2018 and the Gold Medal at the Aura Art International Exhibition in India in 2017.
In Bangladesh, he was honored with the National Best Award (New Media) at the 22nd National Art Exhibition by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in 2017 and the National Best Award at the 17th National Art Exhibition by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in 2007. Additionally, he was the Best Award Winner (Best of Show) at the 4th Art Exhibition Shilpi Rashed Smriti Parshad Award in 2005.
Roy has also participated in prestigious artist residencies, including the 5th Artist Residency in Kyoto, Japan in 2015 and a 3-month studio residency at Dhaka Art Center in 2010. These residencies have allowed him to collaborate with international artists and expand his artistic horizons.
Uttam Kumar Roy has showcased his unique artistic vision through various solo exhibitions, including “Epic of Hunger” in Nepal and “Time Perception” in India. He has also participated in national and international group exhibitions, such as the 22nd National Art Exhibition in Bangladesh and the 8th Kahal Art Fair in Japan. Engaging in workshops and art camps, like the ‘Art against Corona’ camp in Bangladesh, Roy continues to enrich his skills and contribute to the art community, inspiring new generations of artists with his innovative works and dedication.