In celebration of World Music Day 2023, a multidisciplinary musical and theatrical performance titled “Made in Bangladesh” by Max Vandervorst of Belgium and Rahul Ananda of Bangladesh was staged on 20 June and 21 June 2023 at the Alliance Française de Dhaka and Ecole Française Internationale de Dhaka. Before the performance, they collaborated on creating a euphonic harmony using parts of rickshaws and bicycles from 10 to 19 June 2023.
Max Vandervorst is composer and inventor of musical instruments. Since 1988, he has put together a number of performances, showcasing instruments he created using a wide variety of objects as raw material : “Symphony for Abandoned Objects”, “Concerto for Two Bicycles”, “The Man from Spa”, “The paper orchestra”, have all been performed numerous times in many different countries.
Musician/Singer/Artist/Actor from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Rahul is a member of the young folk group Joler Gaan(music of water). Joler Gaan toured the UK in August appearing at London Mela, Easdale Island, the Royal Museum of Scotland and as resident troupe at the World Sufi Festival in Glasgow. Joler Gaan’s first CD, Pinjali (Cage) came out in early 2007.